SCOUT project delivers another successful year
Now two years since its launch, the Scottish Outreach (SCOUT) Project continues to demonstrate its value to an ever-increasing number of SME’s, by providing advice, support, and assistance towards driving innovation.
SCOUT is a free service which aims to accelerate and de-risk the growth of Scottish SMEs in chemical, biochemical and life science sectors, who are seeking or developing disruptive technologies.
Having engaged with 48 SME’s, delivering over 650 hours of support across 13 sector and technology areas, Project Manager, Brian McFerran is incredibly pleased with how the project team have performed in Year 2.
Brian said: “Over the last 12 months we have been delighted with the way in which we have built upon the foundations of our Year 1 successes. The traction and momentum created throughout Year 2 and the many interactions we have enjoyed with SME’s all across Scotland has seen the SCOUT Project emerge as a credible and valuable asset.
“As a team, we are delighted with the support we have been able to offer via the project to date and look forward to engaging with many more SMEs as the project enters its third year.”
Jointly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (managed by Scottish Enterprise) CPI, CMAC Future Manufacturing Research Hub (CMAC) and the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC), the project serves SMEs through a three-pronged approach of Innovation Forums, Innovation Integrator® assessments and Deep Technical Consultancy.
Watch our short (7min) video to learn more about the years key highlights, hear what our SME’s thought of the service and how you can access our many on-demand resources.
For more information and to get in touch, visit www.uk-cpi.com/scout.