SAIC launches new funding for PhDS
SAIC is launching a PhD funding call for researchers working in all areas relevant to aquaculture. Up to three PhDs will be funded in this call, covering fish health & welfare, shellfish production, engineering in aquaculture and environmental modelling/eDNA.
SAIC plans to match-fund a total of three PhDs in 2020, on topics aligned with the needs of the industry. We will fund up to 50% per PhD, to a maximum of £45,000 over three years. Total studentship costs are expected to cover all fees and stipends, as well as associated running costs such as bench fees and consumables.
The standard studentship duration is expected to be three years, or up to three and a half years where needed to accommodate industry placement activities. The studentships will start no later than autumn 2020.
Industry partners are expected to contribute resources to the project, e.g. costs associated with undertaking trials, sampling, or analysis at partner locations.
Scotland is the ideal environment to carry out research and development in the area of domestic livestock, companion animals, aquaculture and plant science. For more Aquaculture news, please see here.