Healthy Ageing Cluster Group Seeks Participants Ahead of Funding Call
Innovate UK are expected to launch a £98m challenge centred around healthy ageing this autumn. The call remit is likely to be broad but will centre on enabling us all to live more independent, healthier, and happier, lives through the use of digital technology.
In preparation, a group of around 30 stakeholders met in Edinburgh on 29 August to discuss this opportunity. This self-selecting group encompassed businesses of all sizes, alongside academics, third sector organisations, government, and the broader public sector.
The group agreed that to respond effectively a broad cluster of companies and organisations, interested in innovating to respond to the challenges posed by our ageing society, is needed. As a result, further engagement is planned to follow the announcement of the call.
If you would like to be invited to the future events, please email: desmond.mansfield@scotent.co.uk
Life sciences in Scotland is a robust and innovative industry that continues to improve through efforts such as these, read more on the innovation within the sector here.