FUNDING: Open programme funding competition round 1 – for all sectors
Open 10th May 2018 deadline for entering is 11th July 00:00.
This competition is open to the best cutting-edge or disruptive ideas or concepts with a view to commercialisation.
These can come from any area of technology, science or engineering, including arts, design, media or creative industries, and be applied to any part of the economy.
They can fit into, or be outside of, any one or more of Innovate UK’s Challenge Areas.
There is also the opportunity to apply for a separate, independent competition, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs).
Where appropriate, Innovate UK will share application details with other potential public sector co-funders.
Total eligible project costs must be within the following ranges:
- Project duration between 6 and 18 months: total costs must be between £25,000 and £500,000.
- Project duration between 19 and 36 months: total costs must be between £25,000 and £2 million.
Projects can focus on:
- feasibility studies which may include market research
- industrial research
- experimental development depending on the challenge identified and proposed solution
For feasibility studies (which may include market research) and industrial research, you could get:
- up to 70% of your eligible project costs if you are a small business
- up to 60% if you are a medium-sized business
- up to 50% if you are a large business
For experimental development projects which are nearer to market, you could get:
- up to 45% of your eligible project costs if you are a small business
- up to 35% if you are a medium-sized business
- up to 25% if you are a large business
To lead a project you must:
- be a UK-based business of any size or a research and technology organisation (RTO)
- carry out your project in the UK
- intend to exploit the results from the UK
- work alone or in collaboration with others (businesses, research base and third sector)
The lead organisation must claim funding through this competition.
If your project has total eligible costs or duration outside the specified range or duration it will be deemed out of scope and ineligible. Applicants wishing to submit projects over £2 million as a permitted exception must contact customer services with full justification at least 10 days before applying.
An applicant can only be part of 3 project applications per competition round, either as a lead or partner. If more than 3 applications per round are submitted, only the first 3 applications will be considered for assessment.
Scottish Enterprise provides support to businesses in Scotland applying for InnovateUK funding. Please get in touch with Liam Angus (Liam.Angus@Scotent.co.uk) to discuss your application.