Calling all Precision Medicine companies in Scotland, we need your input!
Are you a company involved in precision medicine in Scotland or planning to move into the sector?
Please fill in the survey so that we can better understand the types of businesses involved in precision medicine in order to help shape future support provided by Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development International to companies in this sector.
Scottish Enterprise have commissioned SQW, an independent consultancy, to undertake ‘deep dive’ research into the Precision Medicine sector in Scotland.
The term Precision Medicine was originally used to refer to highly targeted biological therapeutics for cancer, but in recent years has come to refer to a much broader concept. For the purpose of this research, we define it as encompassing four broad categories:
- Technologies for greater molecular characterisation of individuals or disease
- Technologies for highly personalised interventions
- Technologies for personalised monitoring
- Underpinning digital infrastructure and enabling technologies to transform the performance or capabilities of other technologies.
We would be very grateful if you were able to complete this short e-survey by Friday 22nd December: https://survey.sqw.co.uk/s/SEPrecisionMedicine/
The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. All survey respondents will be entered into a prize draw with a £200 donation to a charity of your choice.