Bioeconomy opportunities for fish waste and by-products
Zero Waste Scotland is working in partnership with the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) to maximise exposure and encourage collaboration between business & academia to deliver high value solutions for Scotland’s waste and by-products.
Zero Waste Scotland is supporting transformative projects that will enable Scotland’s circular economy and support the Scottish Government’s Circular Economy strategy – Making Things Last. IBioIC is delivering Scotland’s National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology ensuring that the bioeconomy plays a leading role in delivering net-zero emissions by 2045.
Funding is available for projects that offer a high-value solution for fish and shellfish waste and by-products arising from processing and mortalities.
Funding of up to £1 million pounds is available for successful projects. Zero Waste Scotland is looking to support innovative projects that can deliver carbon savings, leverage investment and deliver jobs to transform the way we view and use our resources.
Scotland is the ideal environment to carry out research and development in the area of domestic livestock, companion animals, aquaculture and plant science. For more Aquaculture news, please see here.