A new survey will gather information on the animal health, agritech and aquaculture sector
A new fellowship aims to identify strengths and opportunities within the animal health, agritech and aquaculture (AAA) sector in Scotland.
Fellow Dr Jenna Bowen, from SRUC, will survey the AAA industry to create an inventory of what currently exists – including key companies, research centres and academic partners.
She will then identify competitive strengths and opportunities and create promotional materials to raise awareness of the sector.
The fellowship is funded by the Scottish Government as part of a partnership between the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI), the Life Science Scotland’s Industry Leadership Group (AAA subgroup) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Jenna, who is speaking about the AAA sector at the BioDundee International Conference on Wednesday (12 May), said: “The animal health, agritech and aquaculture sector in Scotland is important to both the life sciences and technology sectors and underpins the country’s high performing food and drinks industry. However, to date there is little validated information that exists on Scotland’s contributions to this sector and its global impact.
“The information collected in this survey will be used to increase the understanding of the AAA landscape within Scotland, including competitive strengths and opportunities, and the challenges presented by Covid-19, Brexit and the green recovery.”
The online survey, which will take around 15 minutes to complete, is open until 31 May.
To complete the survey, visit: http://bit.ly/aaasurveysruc
For more information, please contact Jenna Bowen at: jenna.bowen@sruc.ac.uk