4 minutes and 10 quick questions to help us to help you
You know when you are at a conference or happen to be chatting to someone else in your sector who you’ve just met, and a nugget of information, advice or experience happens to come up in the conversation that ends up being really helpful to you and your organisation? Well, we are aiming to make these nuggets occur more proactively, more often and through more channels than before.
The survey is for every individual working in a Life Sciences company with revenue objectives
We want to hear from technical members of staff, business owners, researchers, marketers, business development managers, company managers, directors, administrative staff, operations…. If you work in or run a life sciences business which has future or current revenue objectives that will contribute to the national ambition of £8bn turnover by 2025, then you are our ideal participant in this survey.
We want to be able to signpost information and create content and events that supports individuals in their role as well as their organisation as a whole, working for the Scottish Life Science community to create growth, opportunity and collaboration.
We need to know what information is most relevant to you
There is a wealth of guidance, education and support out there for life sciences organisations in Scotland and we want to signpost, share or create information that is most relevant to you and your organisation. Our goal as the Marketing & Communications group is to provide this through a channel that suits you best – whether it is email newsletters, quick social media posts or face to face events. There is a wealth of information and experience in our prolific sector that could be shared so we need to understand what issues are most relevant to you.
This survey is just 10 questions and 9 of them are simple multiple choice options which makes the survey about 4 minutes to complete.
We are in the same boat as you
The majority of the Life Sciences Scotland Marketing & Communications group have similar circumstances and objectives as you: working hard to achieve revenue ambitions and get the return our business or innovation deserves. We are a group of volunteers made up of marketers, Chief Execs and Directors working for life sciences companies in Scotland with ambitions for scaling our businesses and collaborating with partners. We, too, are looking for guidance and nuggets of information that will help us achieve our organisation’s objectives.
Our role is to support and connect the 37,000 people working in Scotland’s Life Sciences sector by signposting and sharing knowledge, guidance and models of best practice – all with the goal of supporting the implementation of the strategy set out by our Industry Leadership Group in 2017. Today we need to know what to prioritise so we’d like to hear that directly from you.
Thank you for your time with this and please do not hesitate to get into contact with any of us if you have any feedback, ideas or would like to help us.