Realising the Covid19 Legacy…
What to Expect from this year’s Scotsman Life Sciences Conference
This is a critical time for the life sciences sector: will the Covid experience be turned into positives for the future of health, the economy and society as a whole? Or will things fall back to the way they were two years ago?
This is relevant because the acceleration of science over the last 18 months has been like nothing we have seen in our lifetime. Real-time data sharing between industry, academia, government and regulatory agencies and a whole new level of collaboration between them created a dramatically new pace of therapeutic development and adoption of remote, digital healthcare pathways. And advanced manufacturing capabilities were rapidly connected to create a supply that delivered innovation within a matter of months.
Can we realise the true potential of digital health innovation?
Can we realise the untapped power of Scotland’s healthcare data?
And what skills should we be investing in today to enable all of this?
Can the positive, new ways of working be secured for the benefit of NHS waiting lists, future healthcare challenges and the global climate challenge?
Join hundreds of like-minded professionals and sector experts at the annual Scotsman Life Sciences Conference on December 2nd – a milestone event that will analyse the opportunities for Realising the Covid19 Legacy through a day of keynotes and panel discussions chaired by Alix Mackay.
Visit the conference website and agenda here
Realising the Covid19 Legacy Keynote: Steve Bagshaw CBE, UK Vaccines Taskforce
Steve Bagshaw CBE is an Industry Advisor to the UK Vaccines Task Force and, having co-chaired the Strategy Board for the UK Government’s Bioeconomy Strategy in 2018, his insight and perspective on what the Covid19 experience means for the future of healthcare and the climate challenge is a unique one. Steve will share with us the Legacy work by the UK Vaccines Task Force along with his own perspectives on what this means for the industry.
Not to be missed.
Fireside Chat with Dave Tudor, co-Chair of Scotland’s Life Sciences Industry Leadership Group
In his last Life Sciences Conference as the co-Chair of the Industry Leadership Group for Life Sciences, Dave Tudor will share his thoughts, insight and reflections on Scotland’s response to Covid19 and, indeed, the sector’s performance over the last 5 years, and where the opportunities lie for the future of the sector.
Operating at the heart of the UK’s advanced manufacturing strategy in healthcare and with a hands on approach to collaborating with NHS leadership, Dave’s straight talking and big-picture perspective is sure to provide meaningful insight and clarity for anyone operating in Scotland’s life sciences sector.
Accelerating Science: Keeping the Pace for the Future
Join this deeper discussion into the factors that were critical to accelerating the science required to respond to Covid19 and the implications on future healthcare challenges.
The BIA were instrumental in coordinating and connecting the Industry response to Covid19 and in this session we get to hear the full story from BIA CEO Steve Bates OBE. Industry experts from the fields of Cell & Gene Therapy, Antimicrobial Resistance and Data-driven health will discuss what the Covid19 Legacy means for future healthcare challenges.
Plus, we’re very lucky to have Jann Garner, Chief Executive of the Golden Jubilee Hospital, Glasgow and leader of the Accelerated National Innovation Adoption programme (ANIA). Jann will provide her perspective and insight into the NHS vision for the sustainable, scalable delivery of healthcare innovation across Scotland.
Data: The Future of Healthcare Innovation
The Covid19 experience showed us that the potential for healthcare innovation through the use and sharing of health data is immense. As the first UK country to implement digital health records with a unique identifier system and home to a world-leading Precision Medicine capability, Scotland has an abundance of high-quality health data and expertise ready to drive innovation.
Hear more about the true potential and how to realise this from experts:
- Prof Emily Jefferson, Head of the Health Informatics Centre at The University of Dundee
- Steph Wright, Director of Healthcare & Wellbeing, The Data Lab and Head of the Scottish AI Alliance
- Harper van Steenhouse, President at BioClavis
- Fiona Kellas, Partner – Patents, Maucher Jenkins
Digital Redesign: Maintaining Innovation
Covid19 forced new, remote patient pathways through the rapid adoption of digital tools. But we also now know the impact Covid19 had on the timely diagnosis of the health conditions that didn’t wait for Covid to be over. The adoption of digital health has been on the NHS agenda for years now so, what has been learnt about redesigning patient pathways using health tech? And, with the NHS under an immense amount of pressure, how can digital health and diagnostics be rapidly developed, evaluated and adopted for benefit of the patient and the NHS?
You’ll get vital perspectives from the people at the heart of this critical area of work:
- Prof David Lowe, Consultant Emergency Medicine, Joint Clinical Lead Innovation for the West of Scotland Innovation Hub and Clinical Director of the Scottish Health Innovation Partnership (SHIP)
- Euan Cameron, CEO Cohesion Medical
- Andrew Davies, Digital Health Lead, Association of British Health Tech Industries (ABHI)
Digitalising Biology – Hosted by Accenture
As molecules become more complex, so do the processes associated with scaling and manufacturing. What does the future look like and how should companies in the supply chain adapt? Hear from industry experts at Accenture and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre.
Skills: Realising the Future of the Industry
No matter how fast the science accelerates and no matter how compelling the potential of digital and data-driven health innovation is, we need people to realise it. And the skills and capabilities they require are more diverse than the sector has ever experienced. Find out where the industry must focus its talent development efforts in order to realise the potential of the sector:
- Nathan Barnett, Advanced Therapies Skills & Training Network (ATSTN) at Roslin CT
- Claire Gillespie, Digital Technologies Skills Manager, Skills Development Scotland
- Miguel Bernabeu, The Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh
- John Waller, Chief Operating Officer Oracle Bio
World Class Innovation… Connected
The innovation in Scotland is world class. But what makes it really special is the way it is uniquely connected by deliberately designed infrastructure and a natural, inclusive appetite for collaboration. This is why our community consistently overperforms and overcontributes to health challenges.
Connect with this unique community, join hundreds of like-minded professionals and get valuable insights from the experts and decision-makers at the heart of the Industry.
Block out the day and join us on December 2nd.