Life Sciences network event on industrial biotechnology
Date and Time
5th Feb 2019 | 17:00 - 20:00
The Seminar Room, Foresterhill Health Campus, Ashgrove Road West
AB25 2ZD
You are invited to join ONE LIfe Sciences at its first network event of 2019, which will focus on industrial biotechnology.
Our speakers will be Roger Kilburn, CEO of Scotland’s industrial biotechnology innovation centreIBioIC, and Carol Phillips, CEO of NCIMB, a specialist microbiology and chemical services company which holds the largest collection of bacteria with industrial or environmental applications in the UK.
The evening will include presentations, Q&A and networking. A light supper will also be provided.
IBioIC’s role, as Scotland’s industrial biotechnology innovation centre, is to stimulate the growth of the sector in Scotland to £900 million by 2025. From its offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow, IBioIC connects industry, academia and government and facilitates collaborations, provides scale-up capabilities, creates networks and develops skills.
NCIMB provides specialist microbiology, chemical analysis and biomaterial storage products and services to support clients in their quality control procedures, research and development projects, intellectual property protection and compliance with environmental regulations. Based in Aberdeen, NCIMB manages the National Collection of Industrial Food and Marine Bacteria, the biggest reference collection of industrially and environmentally valuable microorganisms in the UK, and is an International Depository Authority (IDA) for bacteria, fungi, bacteriophages, plasmids and plant seeds that are the subject of patent applications. NCIMB’s customers include companies in the pharmaceutical, personal care, food, oil and gas, agricultural and environmental sectors and research organisations around the globe.
You must register to attend this free event. Please share this invitation with colleagues and contacts within the academic, clinical and commercial life sciences community in North East Scotland. Priority is given to attendees from these groups in the event of oversubscription.
ONE Life Sciences, the sector board of North East Scotland’s private sector led and funded economic development company Opportunity North East, aims to build a vibrant cluster of life sciences companies in the region, capitalising on the established triple helix of researchers, clinicians and companies centred on the Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen and the sector’s proven strengths, which include biologics, health data science, drug discovery and medtech. The sector target is to double the size of the company base by 2027.